Our vision is to work together to build the most innovative, effective and respected company.

Initially founded as ‘Prodigy Works’ in 2014, the business was re-branded to ‘Prodigy-Global’ in 2016. As a family run business the team behind Prodigy-Global work well together, building on one another’s ambitions and surpassing first impressions. Combining the family unit behind Prodigy Global with the hard work ethics, wealth of experience, and highest level of customer service & satisfaction, the company will undeniably be recognised for it’s pride and professionalism.

Today the company is the heart and soul of the family’s efforts and undoubtedly a company that will continue to flourish with the hard work and determination of all those involved.

Prodigy Global was inevitably always going to be built with high expectations.


David Hilton
David HiltonManaging Director

A word from the Managing Director:

“Having worked as a business consultant for over 40 years in the private, public and education sectors, I accumulated a wealth of knowledge, particularly in change management and business solutions. Retiring from full time employment gave me the time and opportunity to bring those skills and experiences to the family business, particular leadership and corporate direction. I very quickly recognised that a family-owned business offered unique benefits, particularly access to human capital in the form of other family members. Not only did I have exceptional skills on tap but a great sense of commitment and accountability which is almost impossible to generate in non-family businesses.

Tapping in to the family’s exceptional skill set (25 years’ experience in IT Development and over 30 years management in logistics and haulage) Prodigy Works was founded in 2014 and then the business was re-branded to Prodigy-Global in 2016 to reflect the company’s direction of travel. As a family run business the team behind Prodigy-Global work well together, building on one another’s aims and ambitions.

I am proud to be part of this evolving company and with the hard work and talent of our family I am confident of an exciting future.”